3777 Workman Mill, Whittier, CA

A local presence gives us the market insight needed to identify and an exceptional opportunity.

3777 Workman Mill is a 613,375 SF facility in Whittier, CA, part of the San Gabriel Valley submarket of Los Angeles. The building has modern features, including 30’ clear heights, ESFR and 104 dock doors. Located off the 605 freeway and just south of the 60 freeway, the building is just 20 miles from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. 3777 Workman Mill represents one of just thirteen Class A big box assets in the market, representing less than 0.5% of the overall inventory in the submarket.

The Workman Mill facility was 100% leased to Four Seasons Merchandising. In late 2010, we learned that Four Seasons had signed a new lease in Commerce, CA and would be vacating the Workman Mill property after their lease expired. We approached the owner and their broker to discuss a potential acquisition of the soon-to-be-vacant property. We secured the transaction and then we executed a long term lease with a retailer.

This investment, at an attractive basis, allowed us to acquire a facility that, due to the lack of sufficient land parcels available for development in this region, could not be replaced in Los Angeles County.